The flexibility of our hips is a thing of wonder. They provide us with both power and stability when we are walking. They are able to withstand the impact that we cause when we jump. The human hip joint is…
The quadriceps, sometimes known as the quads, are a set of four muscles that are located on the front of the thighs. People are able to stand, walk, run, squat, and jump thanks to thestrength and size of this muscle…
The quadriceps femoris muscles, often known as quadriceps or quads, are a set of fourmuscles that run along the front and sides of the legs. Their primary purpose is to stabilizethe knee and assist in straightening it. The quadriceps are…
It is an inflammatory condition that may or may not occur due to trauma. It affects the growthplate (apophysis) of the iliac crest, which means that the condition mostly occurs in teenagers,in whom the iliac bone is still not fully…
Hip flexion or lifting up your knee towards your body is one of the most common movements. It is needed for moving, jumping, and so on. However, some physical activities make more extensive use of hip flexion and thus greater…
Gluteus medius tendinopathy is also called Dead Butt Syndrome (DBS). It is a painful condition of the butt caused by inflammation and weakness of the gluteus medius tendon. The gluteus medius tendon is a tendon of relatively smaller muscle when…
Femoral acetabular impingement is a condition when there is a formation of bone spurs either on the femoral head or pelvic acetabulum (socket) or even on both of them. Thus, these bone overgrowths start limiting the joint motion due to…