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Iliac Crest Apophysitis Exercise Handouts

It is an inflammatory condition that may or may not occur due to trauma. It affects the growth
plate (apophysis) of the iliac crest, which means that the condition mostly occurs in teenagers,
in whom the iliac bone is still not fully formed.

In some, this growth plate becomes detached and inflamed. Apophysitis (inflammation of
apophysis) is thus a cause of pain only in growing bones. It means that the condition does not
occur in those older than 18 years of age. However, studies show that there are massive
individual differences. In some, the bone may finish its growth by 16-17 years, while in others
bit later. Additionally, it is worth understanding that the condition is more likely to occur in
boys, as in them, bones continue to grow for longer.

Some stretching exercises can help with iliac crest apophysitis. Many such exercises can be
done readily at home without any specific equipment like the exercises listed below.

Modified Thomas stretch

Step 1 – Be seated at the edge of a bed or bench with both legs hanging off the edge.

Step 2 – Lift one of your legs toward your chest, and lean back onto the table
simultaneously. You should experience a stretch in the front of the hip of the leg that is
hanging toward the floor.

  • Repeat 10-12 times
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week

Supine Active Straight leg raise

Step 1 – Lie flat on your back with one knee bent up to protect the lower back. Slowly
raise the straight leg up toward the ceiling (~2-3 feet), activating the quadriceps and hip
flexor muscles. The toes of the raised leg should be pointed toward the ceiling.


Step 2 – After holding in the top position for 5 seconds, slowly lower the leg back to the
starting position

  • Repeat 10-12 times
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week

Supine bridge


Step 1 – Tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles by pushing your low back to the

Step 2 – Raise your hips to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
Next, tighten your abdominal muscles and draw your belly button toward your spine.


Step 3 – Hold for 25 to 30 seconds and lower the hips to return to the initial position.

  • Repeat 8-12 times
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week

Clamshell with resistance

Step 1 – Start this exercise by lying on the side with knees bent at forty-five degrees.
Next, rest your head on your lower arm, and use your top arm to steady your frame.

Step 2 – Rest your head on your lower arm, and use your top arm to steady your frame.
Involve your abdominal muscles by drawing your belly button in, as this will help steady
your spine and pelvis. Keeping your feet touching, raise your upper knee as high as
possible without shifting your hips or pelvis. Don’t move your lower leg off the floor.

  • Repeat 16-20 times
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week

Side stepping with resistance at ankles

Step 1 – The exercise is more or less self-explanatory. You wear the resistance band at
the ankles while standing in a relaxed position.

Step 2 – Next is to step to the side against the band’s resistance.

Step 3 – Step to alternate side

  • Repeat 10-12 times
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week

Half-Kneeling Hip flexor stretch

Step 1 – Start by kneeling on the yoga mat. Next, move one of your feet forward like in
lunges, ensuring that the knee is directly above the ankle. Now place both the hands on
the knee of the extended leg.

Step 2 – Stretch your hip flexor by moving forward. At the same time, squeeze the
glutes of other hips

Step 3 – Hold the position for 30-45 seconds

  • Repeat 10 times
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week

Single leg bridge

Step 1 – Raise your hips and tighten your abdominals and buttock muscles to support
the lift until your shoulders and knees are straight. Next, tighten your core muscles
simultaneously as if trying to pull your belly button back toward your spine.

Step 2 – Stay in the position for just about a couple of seconds.


Step 3 – Lower the hips to the floor slowly and with control, keeping the leg extended to
return to the starting position.

  • Repeat 8-10 times
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week

Quadruped alternating leg extensions

Step 1 – Start with a dog pose or quadrupeds, resting on the knees and hands.

Step 2 – Extend one of the legs back, raising it parallel to the floor by tightening the

Step 3 – Repeat alternating for each leg.

  • Repeat 8-10 times for each leg
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week

Reverse lunge

It has all the benefits of regular lunges: strengthening the things or quads, improving
balance, lower back strengthening, and training core muscles.
However, unlike regular lunges, you only do it in a reverse manner. Instead of
lunging one leg forward, you take the other leg backward, thus resulting in a lunge

  • Repeat 16-20 times
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week

Side lunge adductor Stretch

Step 1 – Stand straight with feet shoulder apart from each other.

Step 2 – Move one of the feet to make a lateral or side lunge, and at the same time,
bend forward to touch the floor. This will ensure adductor stretch, too.


  • Repeat 10-12 times
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week
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Wisler Saint-Vil, MD

Sports Medicine Physician
Marietta Memorial Sports Medicine
department medical director

Articles: 711


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