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Seated wrist flexion with dumbbell

Dumbbell extension can help strengthen forearms. However, this exercise works better
when combined with a wrist extension with a dumbbell.
Step 1 – Grab a dumbbell (not too heavy) and place the underside of your
forearm flat on a weight bench.
Step 2 – Let your hand hang off the edge.
Step 3 – Turn your wrist upwards to stretch the top of your forearm.
Step 4 – When you feel a nice stretch, bring the weight back up by extending
your wrist.
Step 5 – Be sure to squeeze your forearm extensors, and don’t be afraid to bring
the dumbbell higher than the starting position to get a good contraction.
Repeat 8-12 times
2-4 sets in a row
5 days a week
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Wisler Saint-Vil, MD

Sports Medicine Physician
Marietta Memorial Sports Medicine
department medical director

Articles: 711

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