The exercise involves stretching calves with the help of a resistance band or towel. It also helps stretch the Achilles tendon. Step 1 – Get seated on the floor with both legs straight. Wrap the towel around the ball of your foot just below your toes. Step 2 – Lightly pull on the towel, allowing your foot to gradually bend up toward your knee while keeping your knee straight. You should feel slightly stretching in the hind of your lower leg. Depending on where the muscle or tendon is particularly tight, you may feel the stretch behind your heel or knee. Hold the stretched position for 25 to 30 seconds, and then slowly release the stretch. Repeat 6-8 times for each leg 3 sets in a row Once-daily 5 days a week
Wisler Saint-Vil, MD
Sports Medicine Physician
Marietta Memorial Sports Medicine
department medical director