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Cat-camel to child’s pose

It is just another variant of cat-camel exercise, but with one additional pose. Quite like cat-
camel, it is for stretching the thoracic and lumbar spine.
Step 1 – The initial position must be like quadrupeds by coming on hands and feet
and making sure that knees are directly under the hips while hands under the
Step 2 – Cat- Now sink your back towards the floor and at the same time lift your
head up, thus making a curve in your spine and taking breathe out at the same
Step 3 – Camel- Now, just make the opposing motion by arching your back to mimic
the camel hump
Step 4 – A child’s pose is a restful pose in yoga, also called “Balasana” in yoga. It
involves bending the knees and doing nothing for a few seconds.

  • Repeat 20 times alternating between cat and camel
  • 3 sets in a row
  • Once-daily
  • 5 days a week
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Wisler Saint-Vil, MD

Sports Medicine Physician
Marietta Memorial Sports Medicine
department medical director

Articles: 711

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