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Recovery - Body Parts : Neck

Whiplash Exercise Handouts

Not a rare injury of the neck caused by a forceful and sudden movement of the head back-and-forth, thus injuring the neck’s soft tissues. Since this injury is caused by sudden trauma, which causes pain almost as if a person…

Cervical Muscle Strain Exercise Handouts

Download Handout Cervical strain, also referred to as whiplash or neck strain, is a frequent spinal injury. It can, however, occasionally be challenging to distinguish it from other neck and upper torso issues. Poor posture alone can cause cervical strain,…

Whiplash Exercise Handouts

Download Handout Not a rare injury of the neck caused by a forceful and sudden movement of the head back-andforth, thus injuring the neck’s soft tissues. Since this injury is caused by sudden trauma, which causes pain almost as if…



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