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Achilles Tendinitis Exercise Handouts

The Achilles tendon is one of the well-known tendons that allow the working of calf muscles, thus
making walking and running possible. It also plays a vital role in foot stability. At the back of the leg,
the calf muscles are attached to the heel bone with the help of this tendon. It is a superficial and
prominent tendon that is readily visible in most individuals.
Achilles tendinitis is the inflammatory condition of the tendon. It mostly occurs in the runners,
especially during periods of extensive training. However, it may also occur in middle-aged or older
adults while playing sports like tennis or even jogging.
Achilles tendinitis mainly occurs due to minor tears in the tendon, resulting in its inflammation.
Generally, there is pain and stiffness in the morning that may get better after some time.
Calf stretch exercises can help in Achilles tendinitis treatment. Many such exercises can be done
readily at home without any specific equipment like the exercises listed below.

Gastroc Stretch on Wall

Step 1 – Stand in an upright positing while facing the wall.


Step 2 – Take a giant step to the front and get into the pose that looks like you are trying to push the wall. During this whole process, focus on the calve muscles of one of the legs.
Step 3 – Stay in this position for 20 seconds
• 5 reps for each leg
• 3 Sets
• It can be done multiple times a day
• 5 days a week

Soleus Stretch on wall

Step 1 – Stand with face towards the wall.

Step 2 – Step on the fall with a toe while the heel of the same foot is resting on the
floor. Bend slightly forward to apply greater pressure and stretch the soleus. Then
repeat for the other leg.
• 4-6 times for each leg
• 3 Sets
• Once-daily
• 5 days a week

Standing gastric stretch on step

Step 1 – Stand in the front of the step.

Step 2 – Move forward one foot and put the toes on the step while the heel should be
hanging in the air.
Step 3 – Bend forward to move heel downwards while toes rest on the step to ensure
gastric stretch.

• Repeat 8-10 times
• 3 Sets
• Once-daily
• 5 days a week

Long sitting calf stretch with strap

Step 1 – Get seated on the floor with both legs straight. Wrap the towel around the ball
of your foot just below your toes.

Step 2 – Lightly pull on the towel, allowing your foot to gradually bend up toward your
knee while keeping your knee straight. You should feel a slight stretching feeling in the
hind of your lower leg. Depending on where the muscle or tendon is particularly tight,
you may feel the stretch behind your heel or knee. Hold the stretched position for 25 to 30 seconds, and then slowly release the stretch.
• 4-6 reps
• 3 sets
• Once-daily
• 5 days a week

Seated plantar fascia stretch

Step 1 – Sit in a chair and cross one leg over the other knee, so your ankle is on top of
your other leg.

Step 2 – With one hand holding your ankle and the other holding your toes, gently pull
your toes backward until you feel a stretch in the bottom of your foot.

Step 3 – Hold this position for 20 seconds.
• 4-6 reps for each leg
• 3 sets
• Once-daily
• 5 days a week

Standing toe dorsiflexion stretch

Step 1 – Dorsiflexion occurs in your ankle when you draw your toes back toward
your shins. You contract the shinbones and flex the ankle joint when you dorsiflex
your foot. You can also dorsiflex your foot by lifting the ball of your foot off the
ground while standing, keeping your heel planted into the ground.

• 3-4 reps
• 3 sets
• Once-daily
• 5 days a week
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Wisler Saint-Vil, MD

Sports Medicine Physician
Marietta Memorial Sports Medicine
department medical director

Publications: 711

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