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Calf mobilization with foam roll

It is mainly for tight and aching calves, which helps due to so-called self-myofascial
release manipulation. It is a kind of self-massage using rollers.
Step 1 – To begin with, you must be seated on the floor, with hands resting on
the floor, behind to back to support you.
Step 2 – Extend one of the legs, and put a roller under the calf. The calf muscles
role for about one minute but do not exceed two minutes. Then, repeat it for
another leg.
One to a maximum of two minutes for each muscle group
Repeat 3-5 times
3 sets in a row
5 days a week
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Wisler Saint-Vil, MD

Sports Medicine Physician
Marietta Memorial Sports Medicine
department medical director

Publications: 711

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