This website provides information about how to engage in physical activity and sports safely, along with various health advice. This information may be in the form of written instructions, videos, blogs, podcasts, and exercise handouts. However, none of the information provided on the website is intended to replace medical advice.
Moreover, all the information provided on the website is solely for educational purposes and to raise awareness regarding the health benefits of physical activity. Although the information is written by experts in the field, the website does not claim that any information here is perfect. Due to individual differences, the best fitness program is created by experts after physical examination. Thus, this website takes no responsibility for any harm that may occur by following instructions on this website.
No one has a right to sue the website owner/author or the organization for damage that occurred due to the information provided by the website, exercise handouts, or videos on the website. Further, this website strongly recommends people go through a medical check-up before starting any fitness activity. This is especially true for those living with pre-existing health conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, joint disorders, those recovering from surgical interventions, and more.
Hence, never start any fitness program or use any information provided on this website without consulting a physician. If a physician advises against any advice provided on the website, one should always listen to the physician’s advice, as no information on the platform could be more important or correct than physicians’ advice given after keeping in mind the health conditions of individuals. Moreover, all the information provided on this website is solely for educational purposes, improving knowledge regarding fitness and sports injuries.
This website can by no means be held liable if any of the advice is later found to be inappropriate or causes damage to individuals. It is essential to understand that the medical field or science is evolving, and part of the information on the website may become outdated since its publication.