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Simple Ways to Incorporate More Movement into Your Day

Today, people sit in front of computers, in traffic, or doing other things that do not require much movement. From this, it is evident that most of us lead a very inactive lifestyle, which only serves to emphasize the need to get more active. Exercise does not always have to be done in a gym or follow a strict fitness program. Below are some simple, practical ways to increase your activity level in the course of the day.

1. Take the Stairs

One of the easiest yet efficient ways of enhancing physical activity is by taking the stairs instead of the lift or escalators. Stair climbing is a good cardiovascular exercise that strengthens the muscles of the legs and increases the level of fitness. Stair climbing also helps in building up muscles, balance, and stamina when done frequently. It is advised to make it a habit every time you encounter stairs at your workplace, your house, or other social places (American Heart Association, 2020).

2. Cycling to work or walking to work

If possible, do not use a car or public transport to go to and from work but rather, take a walk or cycle to work. This not only assists in raising the level of daily physical activity but also has a positive impact on the environment by lowering one’s carbon footprint. If the distance is too far, one can park his/her car a little away from the destination or get off public transport a few stops earlier to incorporate some walking into the daily commute. Cycling and walking also help to maintain cardiovascular health and positively affect the psychological state (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019).

3. Schedule Active Breaks

Sitting for long periods is unhealthy as it leads to obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases among others. Fight this by taking short active breaks in the middle of the day. Set a timer to go off every hour to make you stand up from your chair and take a walk or stretch. As little as 5-10 minutes of light exercise can improve circulation, flexibility of muscles, and even the mind (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 2021).

4. Use a Standing Desk

A standing desk can assist in decreasing the amount of time that one spends sitting in a day. Switching from sitting to standing and vice versa can help maintain good posture, relieve backache, and prevent metabolic syndrome. The types of desks that can be adjusted for height are beneficial because they enable the user to switch between positions and improve their health (Mayo Clinic, 2020).

5. Take Walking Meetings

Instead of having a meeting in a conference room, suggest having a walking meeting. It is possible to make meetings more effective by encouraging people to walk while they talk; this can help in generating new ideas. Also, it offers a chance to get some fresh air and get some sunlight which is good for the mood and focus. It also helps to decrease stress and bring more variety to the working day (Harvard Health Publishing, 2018).

6. Bring Movement into Daily Activities

Integrate more movement into your current schedule. For example, when watching television, do activities like jumping, squats, and push-ups during the adverts. When on the phone, do not sit down, it is recommended that you walk around the house or the office. Adding movement into your daily activities can help you get more steps in without having to alter your schedule too much (American Heart Association, 2020).

7. Engage in Active Hobbies

Select activities that involve the use of your body as some of your hobbies. Walking in the garden, dancing, doing sports, or going for a hike are fun activities that can help one exercise daily. This way, exercise is not a burden and one will not get bored with it in the long term (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019).

 8. Make House Cleaning a Workout

One can also exercise by cleaning the house. Cleaning activities such as sweeping, mopping, and wiping windows are activities that provide moderate physical activity. By incorporating music and dancing during activities such as washing the dishes or sweeping the floor, one is able to turn the chores into mini workouts and, at the same time, be healthy (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 2021).

9. Use Public Transportation

If you normally drive a car, then try to use public transport as much as possible. Taking a bus or train to work and back home adds up your daily steps since you walk to and from the bus or train stations. It is also useful to discover the surroundings and to add more movement to the daily regimen (Mayo Clinic, 2020).

10. Take Advantage of Technology

Many apps and gadgets are created to assist people in getting more active. Fitness trackers can help in achieving and tracking movement intentions, and apps can remind you about movement and offer short physical tasks. These tools will help you remain focused and motivated, using technology to enhance your fitness (Harvard Health Publishing, 2018).

11. Stretch Regularly

Stretching should be done as part of your daily exercise regime in order to improve flexibility and reduce the likelihood of injuries. Stretching can be performed at any time and does not need any equipment. Stretching should be done in the morning, before going to bed, and at regular intervals during the day. Daily stretching helps in increasing flexibility, decreasing muscle stiffness, and increasing general body fitness (American Heart Association, 2020).

 12. Walk During Lunch Breaks

Spend at least half of your lunchtime walking. This assists in digestion, refreshes the mind and body, and sets you up for the afternoon. It also helps in socialization and creates awareness among other employees on the importance of taking a walk in the compound. Also, being out in the sun can help to boost the mood and decrease stress (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019).


To sum up, increasing the amount of movement in your day does not need to be complex or take a lot of time. It is possible to increase the level of physical activity by gradually adjusting your daily schedule. Just remember that any movement is good, and the more you move, the better you will feel. Begin with these basic guidelines and then add more activity to your daily routine to get the most benefits.


  • American Heart Association. (2020). Healthy for Good: Physical Activity.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Physical Activity Basics.
  • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. (2021). Healthy Living Guide 2021/2022.
  • Mayo Clinic. (2020). Office Ergonomics: Your How-To Guide.

Harvard Health Publishing. (2018). The Benefits of Exercise.

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Wisler Saint-Vil, MD

Sports Medicine Physician
Marietta Memorial Sports Medicine
department medical director

Artículos: 711


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