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Patellar Tendinitis Exercise Handouts

Patellar tendinitis, also known as jumper’s knee, is an inflammation of the tendon that attaches the kneecap to the shin. This condition is commonly thought of as a sports injury.

Wrist Sprain Exercise Handouts

When the strong ligaments that support the wrist are overstretched or torn, the result is asprained wrist, often known as a wrist sprain. This happens when the wrist is bent

Whiplash Exercise Handouts

Not a rare injury of the neck caused by a forceful and sudden movement of the head back-and-forth, thus injuring the neck’s soft tissues. Since this injury is caused by

Trochanteric Bursitis Exercises Handouts

The flexibility of our hips is a thing of wonder. They provide us with both power and stability when we are walking. They are able to withstand the impact that

Quadriceps Tightness Exercise Handouts

The quadriceps, sometimes known as the quads, are a set of four muscles that are located on the front of the thighs. People are able to stand, walk, run, squat,

Quadriceps Tightness Exercise Handouts

The quadriceps femoris muscles, often known as quadriceps or quads, are a set of fourmuscles that run along the front and sides of the legs. Their primary purpose is to

Iliac Crest Apophysitis Exercise Handouts

It is an inflammatory condition that may or may not occur due to trauma. It affects the growthplate (apophysis) of the iliac crest, which means that the condition mostly occurs

Hip Flexor Strain Exercise Handouts

Hip flexion or lifting up your knee towards your body is one of the most common movements. It is needed for moving, jumping, and so on. However, some physical activities

Gluteus Medius Tendinopathy Exercises Handouts

Gluteus medius tendinopathy is also called Dead Butt Syndrome (DBS). It is a painful condition of the butt caused by inflammation and weakness of the gluteus medius tendon. The gluteus

Finger Strengthening Exercise Handouts

If you have been finding challenging to go about your daily tasks due to stiffness, edema, or discomfort in your hands, the right workouts will help you get back into

Finger Range of Motion Exercise Handouts

If you have been finding challenging to go about your daily tasks due to stiffness, edema, ordiscomfort in your hands, the right workouts will help you get back into action. Different

Femoroacetabular Impingement Exercise Handouts

Femoral acetabular impingement is a condition when there is a formation of bone spurs either on the femoral head or pelvic acetabulum (socket) or even on both of them. Thus,



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