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The Supine Bridge or Hip Thrust is an exercise that is performed lying on the back. It can be
considered both an anti-flexion exercise (since you are working on lumbar stability and hip
extension) and a glute activation exercise.
Step 1 – Tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles by pushing your low back to
the ground.
Step 2 – Raise your hips to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
Then, squeeze your core and pull your belly button back toward your spine.
Step 3 – Hold for 25 to 30 seconds and lower the hips to return to the initial
Repeat 8-12 times
3 sets in a row
5 days a week
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Wisler Saint-Vil, MD

Sports Medicine Physician
Marietta Memorial Sports Medicine
department medical director

Artículos: 711

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