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Seated arch lifts

It is a good exercise for improving foot stability and strengthening one of its core muscles.
Step 1 – Align your foot and leg. Make sure that both feet are resting on the
floor and you are relaxed.
Step 2 – Keep your toes relaxed, don’t scrunch them up, and initiate a bit of a
sliding motion, pulling your foot and heel ball toward each other. Imagine a
dome inflating under the center of your foot or a compelling force pulling your
foot and heel ball towards each other. The toes and heel remain on the floor the
entire time, but the arches may hollow up off the floor.​
Step 3 – Relax the arch. And now, lift and relax the foot back to its initial

  • Repeat 4-6 times
  • 3 sets in a row
  • It can be done multiple times a day
  • 5 days a week
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Wisler Saint-Vil, MD

Sports Medicine Physician
Marietta Memorial Sports Medicine
department medical director

Artículos: 711

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