Best Injury Prevention Tips for High School and College Basketball, Hockey, Wrestling, and Swimming Players
Best Injury Prevention Tips for High School and College Basketball, Hockey, Wrestling, and Swimming Players
Supine double leg liftWisler Saint-Vil, MDJuly 27, 2022Core exercise, Piriformis Syndrome It is an excellent exercise to train your core. However, it is perfect for training lower abs.Step 1 – Let straight on the back.Step 2 – Lift both of your legs to about 90 degreesStep 3 – Return to the initial positionRepeat 16-20 times 3 sets in a row Once-daily 5 days a week Wisler Saint-Vil, MD Sports Medicine Physician Marietta Memorial Sports Medicine department medical director Articles: 711 Previous Exercises Supine elbow extension stretch in pronation Next Exercises Supine double knee to chest